
Whilst here in Colombo and not working full time, I was hoping to have time for myself and do regular exercise to get into shape.

Few times a week, I have been using the gym in our apartment building, as soon as children leave for school at 6.45 – doing some fast-pasted walking (can’t run due to my back problems), cycling or cross training, for an hour or so. I walk up the seventeen floors as much as I can, using the lift only if carrying heavy shopping or if short of time. I have only been to couple of  my favorite Zumba sessions, but I am hoping to attend more.

However, I managed to go to two Zumbathons. On Saturday 26th October, supporting a good cause for Cancer hospital, I danced for 90 mins in an open place in that heat and humidity with other 50 people of all shapes and sizes at a PINK PARTY. You can imagine our sweaty bodies at the end. The week after on Saturday 1st November, I was part of a 120 mins long dance called Zumba Shine 7, which was attended by nearly 1000 people who crazily danced in originally air-conditioned place. I didn’t eat the cake in picture, I promise! My body was sore the next day, but I felt great from the achievement.

Lets’ hope I can carry on with my exercise and will see some results not only on the scales.
