When a house became home again
Sunday, 20th November 2023
A majority of our possessions were in the smallest bedroom, piled high to the ceiling, so we had to empty that room first into our vacant bedroom to be able to organise Misa’s and Emilka’s bedrooms as the priority. Thankfully, our own room was just a bare floor as we’d decided on going to Sri Lanka that when we returned, we’d have new furniture in it. It took us three days of continual sorting, emptying, and moving boxes, trying to find needed items for the kids but putting the rest to one side. Having left for 16 months with children, but returned after four years with young adults brought considerations that we never planned-for when we packed.
It was a both a mind-cleansing activity and a walk in memory lane as we were finding items no longer needed but which had played roles in the children’s past. I like upcycling/recycling, so we gave away a lot of stuff and took so many things to charity, but sadly some stuff had to be binned. We will put some special items into loft for the future – especially the kid’s future need, hopefully!
The kitchen followed the kids’ bedrooms, and here we found ourselves supplementing what we’d packed with what we’d brought back from Sri Lanka. This included the G&T glasses that had played such a part in many ‘independence nights’ as recounted in earlier blog posts, and which were thankfully unbroken.
Steve spent much time in the garage sorting it out as it had been the storage overflow location with much to bring back in to the house – the kitchen especially – and we now had two cars, three motorbikes, and two bicycles to put there, along with three large steel cabinets and Steve’s workbench and wall units! It was a huge amount of work over several months and to fit the five motor vehicles in and still be able to open drivers doors and be able to walk along the side of the two cars required creative thinking. All is done though, and the garage is now back in full commission, as every room in the house now after a considerable amount of work for us both. Last weekend, with the garden also coming under control, fabulous new furniture in our bedroom, and all photography equipment put away in its proper home (includes a lot of studio equipment), Steve made the comment “I now feel at home, and no longer a visitor in my own house”.
We are though looking forward to a holiday in Sri Lanka that starts in 10 days’ time, so it will be interesting to learn how we feel as visitors in our much loved adoptive nation that became home. Whatever it will be, Sri Lanka will always have a special place in our hearts, and hopefully will become home again one day.