Waking up


A phased lifting of the curfew starts on Monday; no travel between districts, and the last digit of ID cards and passports dictating which day of the week you can go out on, but a lifting none-the-less.  By pure chance, Rennie and I can go out on the same day – but the kids can’t!  Hopefully as dependants they can come with us even though the ruling makes no mention of this.

In preparation for the lifting, Colombo is slowly waking up.  We’re not looking forwards to the resumption of pollution – both noise and fumes – in the weeks ahead, but the city is no longer sleeping.  A few days ago, construction workers appeared at the site adjacent to our apartment and started removing temporary weather protection from the emerging tower – which at over fifty eventual floors including car parking is going to dwarf the thirty seven where we live.  On Friday the workers were in full swing and the tower cranes busy all day.

Something to photograph, so I did!  The final two images were taken from the roof – 146 metres up and the tenth tallest structure in Sri Lanka – so imagine the tower under construction rising nearly half as high again.  The curved end is the car park ramp – and in the final image look how close it is to the adjacent tower.  I wouldn’t be happy if I owned one of the apartments and was about to swap a view of the sea to looking directly in to someone else’s home.
