The rise of Skywalker


As a great idea for a CSR fundraising initiative, the organising committee hired out the entire cinema for the premier of Star Wars, the Rise of Skywalker.

I remember seeing the original Star Wars movie at the Cheltenham Odeon on its UK premiere back in 1977 but haven\’t watched any of the series since – so other than Míša we weren\’t sure what we\’d make of it.  We needn\’t have worried as it was entertainment in its own right and being in a cinema full of friends and colleagues made it special.

No Uber or Kangaroo Cabs were available for Rennie and the children\’s ride home, so a tuk tuk came to the rescue.  I continued on with friends to a bar called The Manchester and a few pints of Spitfire ale; a nice change from the usual local Lion lager – agreeable though it also is.
