Sugar Beach

26th November, 2021

As you’ve read from Rennie, last Saturday saw us take a tuk tuk ride to the Sugar Beach restaurant at Dehiwala where for the first time in her life, Rennie’s Mum walked on a sandy beach and experienced sand between her toes.

We’d originally tried to book a taxi, but as we find so often now, any that accepted our booking cancelled before arriving; with no business during lockdown, the drivers have found other occupations a consequence of which is much more demand than supply so they can choose a more convenient fare if one comes up in the mean time.  It turned out for the good though, because a pair of tuk tuks was perfect for a bit of fun!

Angel Beach is reached by crossing a live railway line so care is the order of the day; it would never be allowed in the UK, even with a marshal at the door.  

As you can see in this short video it was lovely to introduce Babi to our Kurdish-Turk friends who have become family to us; another occasion where worlds combined and things we have described suddenly became real for all parties.  Priceless.  A lovely, lovely evening was to follow.
