Sri Lankan reunion in The White Carpathians

Wednesday 3rd August to Friday 5th August 2022

The long-planned reunion of Supercocky (Supercats – my friends from university who visited Sri Lanka in the new year) was here, with me getting up at 6am to catch a train at 6.52am.

The journey to Olomouc was a bitter sweet trip to memory lane and reminiscing good times in my university town. I had 39 minutes for the train change, just enough time for a quick cappuccino in a quirky coffee shop thinking of my daddy who took me to do the university entry exam – and to all of our surprise, I was accepted.  I was also thinking of Pani (Mrs) Plundrakova with whom I stayed in my second year at university as I didn’t get to live in halls.  Like my daddy, a lovely human being.  Sadly neither are with us any longer.

 I was joined in the nicely air conditioned fast train by one of my friends and we talked like we’d last met only a week ago.  We all 5 reunited at the train station in Uhersky Brod and one friend drove us to a sweet chalet in The White Carpathians, where we strayed for 2 nights.  Visiting The Zitkov Godesses museum was an organised trip to absorb some energy for days to come. 

We talked, and talked, and talked remembering all good study times, discussing our life journeys, our achievements and falls, we ate, and ate and ate, we drank and drank some more and we laugh a lot. We relaxed by the pool and with a surprise visit from a friend on his 2 days-old motorcycle which was a lovely bonus to our stay.

We are already planning another reunion. Only time will tell if I can join them.
