Riva Villa


Good Friday saw us leaving for an Easter weekend at Taru Villas “Riva” property just North of Negombo, so little more than an hour from home.   What a property it is, too, with clear connection to Sri Lanka’s Portuguese past and a tasteful expression of style, art and environment as chosen by the owner.  Everything is immaculate and attention to detail is everywhere – whether it be the staff changing from all-white to all-black garments at dusk, the polished crockery and silverware with not a fingermark or water stain in sight, menu and presentation of food on the plate, or an immaculate bathroom where every tile is perfectly aligned and every fixture properly attached (not always the case in this country we love!).

Without warning and far too young, I sadly lost a US colleague of 20 years earlier in the week, so the tranquil environment broken only by lovely birdsong was perfectly timed just to sit and reflect about how fragile life is, what we are fortunate to enjoy, and what really matters.
