
Wednesday 3rd and 10th February 2021

One of the Sri Lankan midwives who I had met shortly after my arrival invited me to attend a two day course of Reiki. A very experienced midwife who actually studied at the same university in England like me and practiced for about 10 years in England.

I approached another lady to attend with me; a Dutch yoga teacher, married to a Sri Lankan man, who I thought may benefit from it as she is doing some prenatal yoga and may one day become a doula. I supported her via phone last year while birthing with her second baby and experiencing some complications that were considerably delaying her birth.

I had a look at what Reiki actually means. In a nutshell, it means using me as a channel for energy from the earth and universe to “heal, restore and balance” other people with my unconditional love and intention to help without judgement or wish for personal gain.

Having reflected on some of the births I supported, on a few occasions I would arrive in the room and in 30-60 minutes the woman was ready to give birth to her baby. Without me doing a lot, just being there, trusting her body, massaging, sending positive vibes and using positive affirmations.  One new dad said to me after the birth: “ You arrived into the room and you gave us all positive energy ”, even though I was very quiet and did very little at that time. I was beginning to wonder. 

It was there and then I realized, that I may have been using energy from the universe for a long time without putting a name to it – and now I know, it is called Reiki.

The first day of the course explained a few things about the theory, the chacras, the way to use them and I was able to connect the way I think, I am, I do and I believe. We had 2 initiations, when the master opened our channels to be able to receive the energy and be the “mediator”. We talked about a lot of things, listening to life stories from the master and making connections to our lives and our being.

I was all so enthusiastic and positive about it knowing I can make an even bigger difference to people around me.

When I got home, Steve asked to try what I had learned on him, which really surprised me, he being very sceptical about the course the day before.  Emi accepted the protective pyramid with thankfulness without me prompting her. How intuitive of her. Misa was joking about it and very sarcastic about it, so I left him to sleep leaving in his room the pink mist of love and harmony!

The other day I had a terrible headache and Emilka was looking after me and asked me if I wanted a protective pyramid – I accepted, and she gave me one. She was so sweet.

On the second day of the course, we focused on overall healing / balancing and learned different symbols. Again, we were initiated twice, this time in connection with grounding. A lot of things fitted together, even though now I have to go and start using it “consciously” around me.

We received certificates and a gift – crystal amethyst. A beautifully smooth and warm black stone.

I was saying good night to the kids that evening and I put the stone into Misa’s palm. What can you feel Miso?”, I asked. “Ahhhh, nice smooth and warm stone, I really like it.” When I explained to him, that the crystal is warm because it has been energized, I could feel his skepticisms of the Reiki and energy around him is fading away from his mind. I think he is not convinced yet, but he is getting there, starting to understand the neuroscience behind it. Emilka didn’t need any convincing, she felt the warmth and the energy from the stone straight away. I left her in protective pyramid, and she thanked me.

I have learned a lot about myself during these two days and lots of things are starting to make sense.
