Misa’s name day in lockdown
Wednesday 29th September 2021
In the Czech Republic, each day of the year corresponds to a personal name (or several names). People celebrate their nameday (svátek or dated jmeniny) on the date corresponding to their own given name. Name days are commonly of less importance than birthdays.
You will find Michael’s name in the calendar today so we had to celebrate our Misa’s (Misa is diminutive of Michael) nameday. He completely forgotten about this Czech tradition so when a parcel bought this morning via UBER eats arrived and we presented him with two big Nutellas, he was very surprised. When a smoked salmon sandwich arrived, again via UBER eats, at lunch time, it was a double whammy. Having a German cinnamon bun for after school as a treat was a bonus.
UBER eats to the rescue in lockdown.
He enjoyed his day with all his surprises and Emi with daddy Steve tagged along with all the goodies.
He is looking forward to have Nutella pancakes soon.