IEA board meeting and lunch

Tuesday 25th August 2020

Each month I should attend an IEA board meeting, to discuss matters and issues how to take things forward, planning and preparing. Meetings lasting two hours 10.00-12.00 are usually held in one of the privilege partners establishments and we stay for lunch. Why not, while we are there!

To explain: We have a public relation board member who tries to approach and secure business, which become privilege partners of IEA and offer a special discount to it’s members, which all members will benefit throughout the year.  

August board meeting was in one of the restaurants in Water’s Edge Hotel, which is very close to Parliament, situated in beautiful grounds surrounded by pond and greenery. Stunning.

Before lunch I went for a walk around the hotel, for fresh air you think, but with scorching sun and 30 degrees C it was more like hot air!

Lunch was a set menu designed for the IEA party and we invited new members to join us – the more the merrier. I felt really privileged in that moment to be in the lovely environment and lunching with nice people. I am looking forward to having another board meeting in September.
