I conquered the coconut
26th May 2020
One of the fruit and vegetable baskets I ordered blind online at the beginning of the curfew came with lots of different vegetables that I had not a clue what to do with, so gave them to the lady who comes and collects my rubbish daily.
We ate the fruit, both familiar and unfamiliar, but the two coconuts stayed in the kitchen being moved around and around and I never got the courage to do anything with them – until that is one day Steve put them in a paper bag next to the bin and I felt obliged to have a go at opening them.
Good old YouTube! I watched a tutorial and armed with a big knife and a screwdriver I persevered and conquered! The water and the flesh was used in kid\’s smoothies and the hard shell is kept and will be used for BBQ; apparently it is a very good burning material.
I was very proud of myself for not giving up, showing determination and spending the time to carve it out, cleaning it and cutting it. The flesh makes delicious snack to munch on. We are very lucky here in Sri Lanka where the coconuts are as fresh as they can be.