Heat stroke

Friday 6th September 2019

Misa after school: “Mummy, I had to go to the school nurse today. I was the only one from senior school and about 10 small children from junior school came while I was there.”

Me: “Oh, what happened?”

Misa: “I think I had a heat stroke! We had a special celebratory assembly as it was 25 years of the British School in Colombo. Instead of being in our marvelous air-conditioned auditorium, we stood outside for an hour from 8-9am! I stool by the glass door so the sun must have been reflecting on me as well. My legs felt like jelly, I was hot and had a headache. I told my nice English teacher how I felt, she sat me down under the fan, gave me a water to drink, but after a few minutes, she said it will be best to see the nurse and she took me there.”

Me: “And what did the nurse do to you and how long were you there?”

Misa: “I just lied down and closed my eyes, but these little children kept coming with most stupid silly problems and I couldn’t sleep as they were staring at me. I must have been there for over an hour or so, but I felt better after a while and told the nurse I have to go to French, because if you miss a lesson, you miss a lot and it is difficult to catch up. She wanted me to stay, but I was better.”

He was fine on Friday; however he was not well on Saturday afternoon and the evening and slept the whole afternoon with a few visits to the wash room!
I don’t know, if it was a heat stroke or a delayed symptoms of heat exhaustion, not helped by the fact, that on Saturday we had another early start at 4 am and a 7 hour journey to our weekend away. All of us were exhausted.

Poor Misa!
