Kung hei fat choy


The Chinese New Year began yesterday on Saturday, January 25th, and with many Chinese nationals living in Sri Lanka it is widely recognised here. The photograph was taken yesterday at the Colombo City Center shopping mall against a hoarding that depicts the year of the rat. Officially, the holiday runs for three days, but unofficially it is celebrated over the course of two weeks.

This year, the holiday is overshadowed by concerns of the new coronavirus strain being brought in to the country when travellers return.  The Authorities have therefore set up infrared body temperature detectors and screening facilities at the airport.  We live in an apartment complex where by far the dominant of a great many nationalities is Chinese and found today that the majority were wearing disposable face masks.  These will limit, but not eliminate the chance of inhaling and exhaling large, infectious particles but even with perfect use aren’t foolproof.  They are though better than nothing and if the virus is proven to be at large in Sri Lanka we can expect their use to become widespread, as elsewhere.
