Freedom Day

Sunday 19th December 2021

Who would think that three weeks in isolation and quarantine would feel like lifetime, yet when free to roam around again, it felt like only a day or so.

We woke up to a sunny morning and as planned,  I went to have a coffee and a swim up at the roof top pool with our neighbour who had been our reliable helper, fetching things whilst we were not allowed to leave the apartment. 

The boys went for a haircut and when Emi and my Mum got up after their lie in, we all rendezvoused with three of our friends Aruna, Rajeev and Marion for a delicious lunch in our favourite garden jazz café at Barefoot. 

We were wondering how we will feel, but it felt just right. It was bliss and we were so, so happy to be out and about.  Afterwards I had a busy afternoon with my mummy baking Christmas cookies, Steve had a snooze as he still tires quickly after Covid and the kids were chilling on their computer.

Back to normal like nothing happened. 
