The first 3 weeks of the academic year
4th September to 22nd September 2023
- Settled extremely quickly into her new place at Hartpury and accidently calls it “home” – this makes us feel very happy.
- Had a severe allergic reaction in the stables. She felt very unwell and organised herself a doctor’s appointment for the next day and transport to get there. Nothing serious, just very unpleasant, and revised medication seems to be helping but she will have another allergy test soon
- Manages her college meal plan of 5 breakfasts Monday to Friday and 5 main meals Sunday to Saturday with other meals arranged herself with what we supply from home
- Daddy did 2 ‘UBER Eats’ deliveries by motorbike with extra provisions (once with Misa and once with mummy Rennie)
- Managed to do one washing machine load with me paying over an app remotely. Next time she will use the drier as well as the weather is colder and it may not dry in her bedroom as last time – we are so proud of her for managing this on her own
- Making new friends who are “horsee” crazy like herself
- Living her dream in the infectious way that is Emi! We are so pleased for her
- Looks smart every morning and proudly when he comes home. We love him wearing properly tied, ties, and shiny black shoes
- Is finding his way around the new school very well and has his favourite place to study and hang around
- Has made several new friends and found himself “She is not my girlfriend”
- Is enjoying learning with his teachers and all the subjects, but particularly business studies and psychology
- Was called to the headmaster’s office as someone vindictive was telling incorrect tales on him, but from the same headmaster a commendation that “I had 3 teachers emailing me to say how Michael is an exceptional student in their lessons.” – wow, that makes us proud
- Continues to work at Tesco twice a week, earning good money with the incentives that he will specify and build his own computer with Daddy as a first objective, and save and invest as the second