Emilka’s work experience

Monday 27th June to Wednesday 5th July 2022

Emilka loves all animals, mainly furry and above all, horses.  I am unsure where she gets this passion from, but she will do anything to be close to them, even if that means getting up every day at the 5:30am required to be on site by 6am for her work experience at Charlie Longsdon Racing. 

We’ve driven past the entrance so many times, but never until having reason to venture along the driveway did we realise what an extensive and well run business it is or that it is nestled in a hillside fold completely surrounded by such beautiful countryside; an oasis in itself and with impeccably groomed and cared-for horses.  Here’s what Emi has to say:

Charlie and all of the team at Charlie Longsdon Racing are the loveliest people and made me feel very welcomed despite in the first week my being the only sub-18-year-old they had there. In my second week a girl named Faith came for her work experience too, so we had a good time having lots in common. She even gave me 2 great lessons on the best pony ever, Pip.

The 5:30am wake up each day was worth it all as spending 6 hours with the HUGE horses (yes all of them are over 165cm) mucking out, grooming, taking them in and out of the field and walking them was so nice and felt like a dream. I even had fun hacking, this meaning to ride for the pleasure of light exercise.

Having seen a little of how a racing stable works and with me being small, I would like to try being a jockey if the idea of me being an equine vet does not work out. Hopefully if time allows, I will go back in August for another 2 weeks.

Thank you Charlie and Amber for having me. 😊
