Emilka and her braces

Wednesday 26th February 2020

At 15.41 local time, Emilka’s first braces were history. The Orthodontist took them apart, bit by bit, slowly without any problem and apparently it felt weird to have her teeth back. She than had an impression taken of her bottom and top teeth using a spacial plasticine chich she was gagging on and nearly vomited on the Orthodontist as she was holding it in her mouth.

She was happy to come home with her big smile ready to show granddad and grandma before they left for England.

Today (26th February – this blog post is late), we went to get the retainers and boy she is hating it. Top forever, bottom for night time only. She is trying really hard keeping it in, but it will be a challenge for her. Perhaps it may slow her talking too much and concentrate her on work at school!
