Easter Sunday under curfew

Sunday 12.4 2020

How do you arrange an Easter Sunday under total military lockdown!?With some planning and a little creativity. 

Every year I prepared an Easter Egg Hunt for the children, which they love, but having only 3 bedroom apartment in which to execute it this year could have been a little difficult. All I had to hide was two small bags of pop-in-your-mouth Easter eggs which Grandma Susan kindly brought with her when she and Grandpa came to visit us. We were so grateful to her; she didn’t know how precious those eggs would be to us.

On Saturday night, with Steve, we designed a code breaker maths quiz for each of them to find out where the eggs are hiding.  As expected, the kids were horrified the next morning when they learned that instead of running round like crazy things looking for eggs, they had to sit quietly and calmly, using their noddles to break codes.  Emi was slightly the first to finish, but it still took her the best part of an hour – and a couple of paddies – to work it out.  Misa quietly persevered and got his soon after his sister.  In the meantime we had our breakfast with Mazanec (“Mazanetz” fruit bread) and I managed to put the painted Easter eggs on their ribbons.

We were chilled after the morning egg hunt when my mobile rang. It was catering from the five star Hilton Hotel and all 3 pair of eyes turned onto me when they heard me talking to them. Unknown to the children, I had ordered a roast chicken dinner with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy plus a bonus of three solid chocolate eggs. The excitement was tangible – I can tell you. Kids laid the table, I reheated the delivery in the oven, adding more vegetables, potatoes, and made more gravy.  Steve opened our last bottle of white wine to celebrate.  Just so special. It was so delicious! 

We had a skype call with Steve’s family and a Facebook Messenger call with my mummy to feel connected. Technology is amazing in times of need and bringing people together is great.  Nothing can however can replace a warm tight hug and a kiss with loved ones. 

We had more chilling time with gadgets, compulsory afternoon swim while Steve caught up on his sleep after a very stressful week, and for an afternoon tea I made home made apple strudel.

Emilka prepared for us an Escape room with 50 riddles which was fun. We had 45 minutes to do it and we escaped with 20 seconds to spare.   In the photo of the kids playing Minecraft you can see the suitcase whose combination lock was one of the steps. 

What an Easter Sunday under lockdown.  Unforgettable, I tell you.  Simple pleasures.
