May/June 2019
Coming from Colombo at Easter, having experienced such a tragedy of terrorism so close to us, being so far away from our homeland, we had serious decision to make.
Steve travelled all his life with his parents before setting out on his own and was determined that nothing will stop him giving his family the opportunity of an adventure in Asia.
Every day newspapers are full of sadness and killing of innocent people all around us and I question myself: “Where is safe? Nowhere is safe!” In your home perhaps, but you can’t lock yourself indoors for the rest of your life, can you?
Misa was fine with the decision to move despite the events, Emilka’s only worry was her two 4 years old Guinea pigs Melody and Lea leaving behind.
Surprisingly, I was still keen to give our family the opportunity to travel and see the world, knowing it will only be for 16 months was giving me comfort somehow.
Steve’s parents encouraged us to take the opportunity. My mum has not voiced her opinion, but I knew, she was torn inside. When we analysed it thinking what my daddy would say, she agreed we are making the right decision to take the opportunity – it was now or never, as kids are growing fast and soon will be in their exam year, which may be harder to be abroad at that time. Some of our friends were excited for us, however some were not that keen for us to go.
Now Steve had to sort the contract with his boss, and I had to apply for a career break with my NHS trust I have been midwife since 2008 which was agreed. I was hoping for a career break from my university I have been employed since 2015, however unknown to me, I was on a fixed contract till 31st July 2019 – what an unfortunate timing. I am great believer that every black cloud has got a silver lining, so who knows what door opens for me in the future.
When Steve signed the contract with HR on 6th June, I had a little bit of a wobbly and suddenly, the impending move, has “hit me”. I had to use all my strength and imagination of a successful move to carry on with the plans to relocate.
Bureaucracy with Sri Lankan’s immigration office meant it took over 5 weeks to get a working visa with all the help from Sri Lanka’s office secretaries. We had to book an open flight tickets for 8th August 2019, but if I tell you, that on 31st July we still didn’t know if Steve gets the visa for himself and for us when he went to London to Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner, you can imagine the stress running high!
Never give up is a good moto and it paid off. We got nice shiny entry visas valid for a month with lots of stamps in our passports. Whilst waiting to learn if the visa’s had been granted, Steve walked around Bathurst Mews and Hyde Park in the rain, seeing London in a different light knowing he likely won’t see it again for some time.
Once we land in Colombo, we have to apply for residency visa till December 2020 so more bureaucracy and filling in forms with information already supplied countless times waits for us. Now the final stretch of packing, goodbye parties and departure day is in sight!