Christmas spirit
Tuesday 21st December 2021
To get ourselves into the Christmas spirit Mum, Misa and me took a tuk tuk and visited the Hilton Hotel where we found this beautiful Christmas decoration with an English theme and felt like “at home” for a moment. No mulled wine was being served though which I had been looking forward to, but still a nice way to start the holiday. Steve was working, and Emi was cooking us a pre-Christmassy dinner of a joint of ham, mashed potatoes and vegetables. It was delicious.
Wednesday 22nd December 2021
Another Christmas loaf was baked in readiness for our journey to our Christmas holiday by the beach. For my mum, her first time ever celebrating Christmas in a tropical country, it will be different and we can’t wait to share it with her. We wish you could taste this deliciousness of sweet bread with us.