Chocolate stored in the fridge eaten by weevils

Friday 8th October 2021

Two precious bars of Cadbury chocolate stored in the fridge was found to have been eaten by pantry bugs and had to be thrown away with a heavy heart. What a shame and what a waste – we all had a sad feeling when we found out today.

Due to a foreign currency crisis and limited import of goods from abroad, shops are running out of products we like (cheese, chocolate, crisps, pasta sauces, meats) or are astronomically expensive, so any products from either Czech or England we have in the house are so special and we treasure them and keep them as long as we can. Until they are eaten by weevils.

Plastic bags with sealing strip or a jar with a tightly screwed on lid does not seem to be working.  So from now on, when we get it, we will eat it and enjoy it. 
