Celebrating life

Sunday 18th June, 2023

I celebrate every morning on awaking, but inviting friends-like-family for the last time to 3B had to happen before we left; a celebration of birthdays, togetherness, love and life itself, as well as recognition of the countless acts of kindness enjoyed over four years.

Included was celebrating Sri Lankan brother Aruna’s 50th birthday, so I got him a white chocolate chip cookie cake from one of our favourite hotel’s cake shops, however he arrived with food poisoning and felt clammy and sick, so had a sleep and then the other boys took him home to bed.

The rest of the invitees ate, drank and laughed as well as enjoying marinaded chicken on roasted vegetables and some nibbles with wine – as well of course wine as G&T at sunset.  Steve also presented graduates from his “Professor Gin’s Academy” (me included!) with their graduation certificates to much laughter and celebration.

I love entertaining and helping people to be happy but was concious that this was the last time using my kitchen and all its utensils for such an occasion, and the last time our apartment would see so many people being merry and happy under our occupancy.

A melancholy evening, but one to treasure.
