My routine during curfew
I usually wake up at 7:45 on a school day but during the weekend I wake up 8:35. It is always so painful to get out of my bed. Especially when the air conditioning is blowing really cold air out and the moment you show your feet from under the duvet, they “freeze”. Once I have successfully dragged myself out of the bed, I quickly change into day clothes and have breakfast. Breakfast usually consists of scrambled eggs or cereal. Once I have had breakfast, I make my bed and sweep the floor (we live in an apartment next to a building site, so it is really dusty). Once I have done my chores I am usually allowed to go on my phone. I am on my phone for around an hour before we have lunch. Lunch is usually a cheese sandwich or soup (mum makes good soups). After lunch me and my sister go downstairs to the business centre to play video games with friends in the UK or SL (we do not do it in the apartment otherwise with home schooling and Dad’s work we would use all of the 160GB internet data before the end of the month). We usually play for around 3 hours until we come upstairs. After we have had a quick snack, we go swimming. We play in the swimming pool with friends for around 2-3 hours daily to burn some energy and get some exercise. Once we have burnt some energy, we come upstairs and have dinner. If it is not a school night, we usually watch a movie. We never know what movie to watch though, so we typically spend half an hour deciding. By then, there is not enough time to watch the full movie, so we just watch half of it and finish it another time. Once we have watched the movie, I brush my teeth and go to bed. I usually read a book, but I have read all my books I borrowed from the school library and my father’s one as well.
Here is the list of some of the things that I have done under curfew stuck at home:
– Home schooling
– Video games (Roblox)
– Swimming
– Cooking (Maggi noodles) and baking (Victoria sponge cake and bread rolls)
– I got better at creative writing
– I participated in a lock down virtual competition, I managed to get to the semi-finals with my creative story
Some of my creative writing:
Dear Diary,
Today we successfully got a grip on a couple of host cells, I was one of the first to make it through alive. I can remember the enemy forces being completely bewildered by our presence. They seemed to look at us as if we were some sort of Gods! I can vividly recall clinging onto one of the hosts limbs, the host was clawing at me, punching, scratching, tearing, ripping , doing everything it could to get me off. However, I remembered my training and held on tight. It took a blistering 35 seconds before I had completely taken over the cell.
I named it “Oatharous” after my farther. A great Valliant leader that fought for what he thought was right not what was correct. Once I had assumed full command of the cell, I began to spawn in the rest of my platoon. This took quite a while, since those who were created first, had to go off and fight to try and keep hold of our front. Once my platoon had been created, I was given word that we were the leaders. Since I had been the first, of many more to come, to completely gain control. I led the rest of our army through the various blood streams when we finally arrived at the 2nd front.
Our platoon fought valiantly but “Oatharous” soon fell along with her fellow comrades. What was left of our platoon fled to our original front that was too being harassed by enemy forces. Our destroyed cell was recycled, but my platoon soon regained control of a new cell that was named “Hades” after the God of the under world. Once our destroyed platoon had regained full might, we rushed up to the quickly falling 2nd front. When we had arrived, we noticed that the enemy cells were growing tired, weak and that the blood stream we were fighting in was becoming deprived of oxygen. We started to think that this was a battle strategy, but soon found out, it was a weakness.
Once we had realised this, we quickly messaged back central command telling them, that the more we manipulated it, the weaker the enemy cells became. After we had started to manipulate and abuse this weakness, we started to rapidly infect cells. Our numbers were doubling by the second. The enemy cells had no choice to retreat right, until there were very few left. Once we had successfully managed to trudge up to the last front controlled by the enemy, we knew that all hell would break loose. With the now very oxygen starved enemies, dying before our eyes, we could not help to remotely sympathies for them. We remembered back to our leader who was leading the assault. His angry face was one of the fiercest things that could possibly frighten the enemy. We came out victorious over the battle, but soon realised this was a mistake. The body now had no cells left for us to multiply in, we would soon die from lack of food. This was the moment, that we all got it – it was a trap! We are not fighting for ourselves, we are fighting for our leader, the greatest Ebola virus.
National Virus Press Conference, play script
Fox – Rabies
Snake – E.coli
Masked Palm Civets – SARS
Chimpanzees – Ebola
Migratory Bird– Influenza
Zika – Mosquitos
“Imagine the scene, 6 of the deadliest viruses that are spread by animals sat around a table discussing the major impact that corona virus is having on their stock market”
-White board
-6 chairs
-news paper
-bubble gum
Fox – “Hello, hello everyone. Thank you for being able to meat us here on such short noti-“
(Snake buts in with a exaggerated hiss)
Snake – (says with exaggerated ‘s’) “Yes, Yesssss, we all know what we are gathering here for but pleasssse can we get down to buisssssness, I really need to get my skin massssssauged”
(Fox is taken back by the lack of respect)
Fox – “ok, so our shares have dropped by 58% meaning that by this time next week we will be having to slave away infecting our own people. We need ideas fast”
Chimpanzee (Chimpanzee blows a bubble with bubble gum and shakes gun wildly in the air)
– “What does that even mean?”
Mosquito – (Is buzzing rapidly whilst nibbles on a cookie) “I agree. Stocks, socks why does that matter were still earning money so why are you wasting my precious time with a conference, So far all we have done is eat biscuits, Mind you they are gorgeous do you have any more?”
(Fox chuckles to him-self)
Snake – “What nasssssty virus is stealing our % then?”
Fox – “Snake you really have been living under a rock, haven’t you? Well, as of the end of last year a deadly corona virus has started to wipe away the country, This means that our main byers, (Trump and Putin) have sold their shares in our company back to us and are investing in ‘corona and sons’ ”
Migratory Bird – (Flaps wings wildly) “So how are we going to counter this, what are we going to do. WHATS THE FINALE!”
Monkey – “Yes what are we going to do to stop this, are we going to eat cookies and let this pass over?”
Mosquito – (Shacking head rapidly in a sort of zombie way) “COocKiEeeeeSSs!”
Fox – (Shakes head with disbelief that these creatures are his associates) ”Calm down, what we are aiming to do is abuse this virus—”
Snake – “like what are we going to hit it, punch it or beat it?!”
Fox – “-mumbles under his breath- What idiots, And no we are not going to beat it, we are going to keep everyone in ^QUARANTINE^, this way the stock market will eventually crumble, currency will decrease value meaning that then healthcare will be focusing all its efforts on eradicating COVID-19. Then we can quic—”
Chimpanzee (Buts in the rudely whilst struggling for breath) – “—lk infect everyone else getting more shares and GET RICH, jees fox you are one genius.”
Fox – (struggling for breath) “ok I’ve had enough of you, meetings over”
Mosquito – “No more cookies :c”
*Everyone gets up and leaves the room, struggling for breath, and coughing rapidly……….*