Helfstyn Castle

Sunday 6th June 2021

It is a tradition to meet my friends from university who I spent two years of my life in the halls with.

4 girls and their children and two husbands met in a car park in Lipnik Nad Becvou to walk 4.5km to castle Helfstyn, to have lunch in a nice village pub under the castle, and walk back to the car park.  I borrowed a car from my sister in law and Misa navigated me the 2 hour journey. 

The sun was shining, and from when we met at 10.00 till 17.30 we talked and talked and talked. We had so much to share from the past two years. It is always the same feeling, we don’t see each other or write to each other for ages and when we reunite, it feels like it was a week ago. 

It is such a privilege to have friends like this for life. We were coming back home with lovely memories and a bag full of goodies (6 boxes of delicious thin waffles). We will enjoy them when back in Sri Lanka.
