

I took a business trip back to the UK from 10th to 20th January, enjoying staying with Mum and Dad as bookends to the work and with brother Stu kindly driving down to catch up and chauffeur me from and to the airport.  It was super too to meet up with good friends for a few jars at the local, to have a good chin wag and overnight with our UK neighbours, and to pop round to our home and catch up with the friends living there.  Lots of kindnesses, on top of which I even managed to sneak in a ride on each of the two loves in my life kept at our UK home!

Departing home in Colombo at half past midnight and 32 deg C, I arrived at Birmingham Airport nineteen hours later at a rather cooler 6 deg C.

Departure morning brought a crisp zero degrees and the first frost I have seen since a year ago.
