Borderlands adventure trip


Wednesday 12th to Sunday 16th August 2020

Misa writes about an adventure camp at Kitulgala run by Borderlands that he recently joined.  Photos from the camp itself are taken from a WhatsApp group that shared a summary of each day’s events.  Read to the end to discover the relevance of a Maccy D as the headline image!


*Day 1 Wednesday 12th August 2020*

The day started at 6.30am with a short drive in a small cramped car of my friend’s mum to the pickup point. Here we met up with our teammates who I expected to be older. Once we had met up and handed over signed paperwork, we all got into the minivan and prepared for a 2 hour drive of hell. I tried to sleep, however the constant noise of the boys behind us singing music off pitch was making it impossible.  After we had finally arrived by the side of a river, we were instructed to change into our water clothes, put buoyancy aids on and start to walk towards the canyon.

Once we had reached the twisty canyon, we began jumping, sliding, and climbing across rocks and water pools. After completing the canyon we floated across rapids into the grounds of the camp.  Here we changed into dry clothes, had dinner, and hit the bed wondering what the morning would bring.  The room was huge, the bed was crammed into a corner, allowing for a huge space in the middle to chill with beanbags.

*Day 2*

We woke up around 7am to have tea with the rest of the camp. We played cards and did some stretching to prepare for the day. Once we had finished stretching, we were instructed to pick partners and put on harnesses. We were told to figure out a plan on how to climb up a 12m ladder that had a distance between the bars of 1.5m. Since I am quite tall, I can pull myself onto the bars easily whilst just pushing the shorter people I partnered with up. I got up twice helping two different people.

Once we had completed this colossal ladder, we were told that we would be hiking 16m up a nearby hill to a cave at the top. I volunteered to carry the bag containing everyone’s water bottles and raincoats. Once we had hiked for 3 hours we arrived at the top and were rewarded with lunch (sandwiches) and a stunning view. We were then shown around the cave that contained many bats and prehistoric art on the walls – it was really interesting.  There were also the remains of a house from 25,000 years ago making the ground it lay on the oldest foundation in Asia. Once we had admired the cave, we then walked a little further down a path to a 40m waterfall to take a shower. It was quite exhilarating to stand under the water whilst it is battering down on you so loudly that you cannot hear the person next to you.

We jumped into the jeep and drove home picking up some Rambutans from a tree on the way home. Once at the camp, we had dinner (Pasta) and fell onto bed shaking with excitement for the day to come.

*Day 3*

We woke up after 6 hours of sleep, because we were caring for a boy who was sick during the night. We then wandered to breakfast (pancakes), one man down. Once down at breakfast, we figured out that someone else had also been sick.  After breakfast, we did more exercise and prepared for another hike. Sadly, the weather disappointed us, and we had to turn round and head back. We then waited for 2 hours playing cards until we were told to get into our water clothes because we were going to go canoeing. We paddled up the river to the white water where we surfed on the waves, swimming back to the camp.

Once we had arrived, we had lunch and climbed into the jeep carrying a raft to the water. After the short trip to the water’s edge we climbed into the raft and travelled down the rapids to the camp. We were still laughing reaching our camp as we saw wedding guests dancing so we had danced with them standing on the raft!  Dinner was rice and chicken and we went to bed. I could not wait for the morning.

*Day 4*

We woke up at 6am and had breakfast. Today was the highlight of the summer camp. We were visiting a canyon called Marvel. This canyon was huge, it contained jumps, slides, climbing, abseiling and even a zip line! We started canyoning at around 10am and it took us the whole day to traverse. By the time we returned to the camp the adrenaline was pulsing through our veins. We had had so much fun traversing through the canyon that we did not want to leave. On the way back from the canyon we found out how to make tea leaves whistle. When we arrived back to our camp, the Sri Lanka Pepsi bottling plant management team had come to stay for a team building exercises. They had had a barbeque and left us some food. It was delicious after our long walk through the canyon. Sleeping was not a problem that night.

*Day 5 (final day) Sunday 16th August 2020*

We started the day with breakfast and exercise (the usual by now) and we were then instructed to prepare for some more rafting. This time, the rafting took slightly longer because the water was higher, meaning that we had to go slower across the water not to get hurt. For example, on one part of the rapid there is a part called the head chopper. The head chopper is in essence a big dip down followed by the sudden rise of water. It is truly exhilarating. After the head chopper there was another rapid called the washing machine. This rapid throw your raft round. Then the water shoots over the back soaking everyone inside. Then the raft rises, and we all have to paddle quickly forward to stop the raft from colliding with a shallow area. After this we just left the river to carry us down to the camp. We played games on the rapid going down. Once we had arrived back, we packed our stuff and prepared to leave. I slept most of the drive back and had a real *highlight* of the summer camp; dinner at McDonald’s on the way home – followed by a surprise McDonald’s waiting at home from my parents!
