Red and Black party


Evening entertainment was a red and black party with Tik Tok videos to be streamed and judged, live music from singers from the company volunteers and a company band and disco afterwards. We made every effort to be in theme, so I was frantically shopping on Friday afternoon before picking up the kids from school for red tops. We were matching!

Misa, still feeling unwell, had to suffer the humiliation of about 15 minutes in short trousers (he has grown since he last wore them) and a new red shirt for 14-15-year-old, which was far too small for his not-quite-thirteen frame! He was not that keen on the loud music either, so he took himself off to bed leaving us three to have some fun. Shame the Tik Tok were not in English but they were visually hilarious to watch! Steve was asked to present some of the prizes, for which he was honoured. 

After dinner, the live band disco continued till past midnight. I have never been a disco person. I just hope the hotel guests were informed of the loud music penetrating into our room as we went to Bedfordshire at 10 pm leaving Steve to socialise with his colleagues until midnight, though we hear the party went on to 3:30 in the morning.

Great fun!
