Babysitting Fraggle the black Labrador

Sunday, 10th September 2023

We were asked to babysit our next door neighbour’s two year-old Labrador Fraggle today and accepted with pleasure. Unfortunately Emilka was in halls and Misa was at work so it was only me and Steve.  I made no plans, knowing I will need some time to get him settled and find my own way with a dog, as it was totally new experience. 

He already been once in our garden, so we hoped he will be ok. His bed was brought with his water bowl and we settled him in the kitchen without problem. He was very calm from the start as all was quiet with no running or exited kids around him. He took about 30mins to sniff all corners in the kitchen and in the conservatory where we spent most of the day.

He found himself a spot on the carpet and relaxed peacefully all day with periods of activities sniffing and giving me attention. When in the garden, he again sniffed everything and played with his ball which Steve hid for him behind a bush; he found it in no time.  He loved watching the fish in the pond and from inside watching anything which moves in the garden. In the kitchen, he splatted his long body in the middle of the floor and we had to keep moving around him.

We chilled all day and it was so lovely to have him with us. No issues at all apart from the short black hair which got everywhere and we will be finding for a long time, even though I hoovered and mopped the floor.

Leaning lessons were to get a dog which doesn’t shed hair, is not too big for the space where it will live, which can be carried if required, and to get a dog – soon!  The reality though is like any member of the family they are a big commitment, so not something to rush blindly in to.  Emi and Steve also have allergies to be considered.
