Babysitting afternoon

Saturday 23rd July 2022

Emilka promised our dear family friend to babysit for her 3.5years old son Adam – we call him our blond angel – in order for her to have a romantic time with her boyfriend.

He was dropped at 4pm in my mum’s house, so he was not sad when his mummy left (he loves my mum and is familiar with her house) and once he played with some toys, we took him for a walk to have an ice cream as a special treat, playing in a playground running around and laughing, and then slowly making our way back to his home.

Emilka bathed him nicely, even washing his hair, which he is not that fond of, whilst I made quick risotto dinner. We all, including Adam, loved the simple dish with freshly cooked rice, previous day grilled chicken and pork pieces cooked on a bed of onion and a frozen vegetables. Quick teeth cleaning and an attempt to go to bed upstairs as he normally does in his parents bed, but he got upset and went downstairs, spontaneously laying down on Emilka, who stroked him for 20minutes until he fell asleep.

She was so pleased with herself; a priceless moment. I carried him upstairs to his bed (he didn’t even flinch) and he slept until his parents return, turning 180 degrees in his bed once. Emilka went home via forest before it got too dark to be with grandma and I watched 3 Czech films on Netflix, drinking coffee and eating Nutella!

I love reminiscing about looking after my children when they were young, being solely responsible for their wellbeing with knowing they were dependant on me 100%.

I think I can answer a question why I found motherhood rewarding and easy (natural) loving every single moment, despite having twins – double work. How the heck did I do it? I remember myself when I was looking after my two children and even now I can recall the feeling of complete and utter love, care and devotion I gave them everyday, day and night, 24/7. Nothing and no one could stop me in my trucks of enjoyment of motherhood as I did it with all my intention, all my passion and patience carelessly putting their needs as absolute first. I loved it and would do it again the same. I am blessed my twins chosen me to be their mum. 
