Baby number 4

Sometimes at the end of April 2020, I was contacted by another newly pregnant lady; a 23 years old law student N, and her husband I (he works in the jewellery business) asking me to be their doula throughout their pregnancy and childbirth, because they would like to have a nice and positive experience.  It was during the total lock-down due to Coronovirus, so it was only possible to meet in the car on the way to and from the doctor (pregnant belly was your curfew pass to be on the road) or via the Internet over Zoom or What’s app.

Thanks to N & I, I was introduced to Muslim culture and traditions: how and who chooses your husband; how much is paid for the bride; how it is discovered that the bride is still a virgin on her wedding night; why is the constellation of stars and date of birth very important; why does she go veiled in public and not at home; what is and is not allowed during Ramadan; that food is consumed only after sunset and all night is celebrated; how other events are celebrated; how several generations live in one big house; how many domestic helpers they usually have; how she tries to help her mother even though she is in an advanced stage of pregnancy; how she will be locked in a room for 10 days after giving birth and the family will take care of her; that she cannot move away and start a family with her husband before giving birth, but only maybe after giving birth ……well, I can write a book.

However, the baby\’s growth wlowed from 32 weeks, even though the mother tried to be at peace and enjoy the pregnancy, doing some gentle exercise and taking great care of herself.  The doctor suggested that she should give birth to the baby by 38 weeks at the latest. In the evening before the induction (trying to start the labour), I visited her at home, talked about the birth for the last time and gave her a massage with aromatherapy oil. She fell asleep, so I gave a hand massage to her mother who watched patiently and we waited for her to take a nap.

The next day she went to the maternity hospital, rested all day and waited for the birth to start. When I visited her at 2 pm, she was relaxing on bed and in a very positive mood. Her mother brewed her a drink of ginger and herbs to help her with the labour and she swears it did the trick. Just before midnight her husband called me to say that she was in great pain and that they were going to the delivery room requesting me to come. I arrived a little after midnight, and believe or not, a baby girl was born at 1.25 on 1st July 2020! Even the doctor didn\’t make it, so the midwife birthed with her. We were all amazed, and especially N, how she could handle it so well and birth so quickly, without any problems.  In no time she had a little bundle of joy lying on her chest, enjoying an amazing feeling of victory!
