Baby No 24

May 2021

Mummy No 24 got in contact with me in her 24th week (a nice coincidence). We finally met at 33 weeks to have a noodle bar lunch with her husband, discussing how pregnancy was going and to make plans for birth. Lots of WhatsApp messages of reassurance were needed beforehand, like with any other pregnant woman I have been supporting. Frequent traveling from South to Colombo was tiring, so they moved to the city at their 37th week’s appointment and waited.

There were some signs that she will be going to labour soon, and when her water broke at midnight at 37+4 weeks, they called me on their way to the hospital to inform me, but actually didn’t need me until 4.30am the next day. I had had a “feeling” that evening and gone to bed earlier just in case, so when they called me, I was well rested. I got a taxi and was in for my 13th Rapid antigen test at 5.03am, with the couple at 5.30am – and then she birthed her baby at 5.54am. Super-fast for a first time mum, unbelievable. No pain relief. Baby Arila was born into her arms and both were overjoyed. I went upstairs and prepared their bedroom – perfect timing for breakfast.

I think this must be one of the fastest births I have been to. She was discharged from hospital the next day and before they made the long trip South, I went to see them at the place they were staying, to equip them with answers to their many questions, as each new parents have. New grandma was driving them home, a very modern Sri Lankan family, leaving independence and decision making to the new parents and not forcing them to follow traditions and rules of the culture, which most of the time interferes with the way new-born family wants to live their lives. One lucky family indeed. They will be able to listen to the baby’s needs without any pressure of other people’s opinions.
