Baby No 16 – Andrew
December 2020
Mummy No 16 came to see me while I was on one of my “hospital staycations” (waiting for PCR result before birth of baby no 15) as her doctor sent her to me to discuss waterbirth. A Chinese woman who was 40 weeks pregnant with her second boy, her birth partner was a Sri Lankan lady friend as her husband spoke even less English than her, so he was better at home looking after their 12 year old son.
A strong-headed woman as soon you met her (CEO of a company), it was difficult to communicate as her English was not expressive and we were each culturally very different. She was happy for me to be her dula so when they got admitted to hospital a week before Christmas, I had to have another PCR done (6th time!). Things then slowed down though, and we ended up waiting, with me spending another night at the hospital just two days before moving apartments.
Morning came, and she wanted to speed up the birth so she could go home soon. Her doctor did what she asked for, broke her waters (I never seen so much water, about 2 liters!) however baby’s heart rate started to drop, doctor got worried and made a decision to take her for an emergency section.
She returned back to her room with a healthy 3.7kg baby boy and asked me to give him an English name. I was pleasantly taken aback as this was the first time ever a new mum has asked me to name her baby. Sitting in the full PPE I had to think carefully what to suggest and with Mr Google’s help, I proposed 4 names: Andrew – strong man, Felix – happy and prosperous, John – God is gracious, Michael – One who is like a God. Without thinking she chose Andrew. “This baby will be strong, like his mummy!” she said.
I had a cuddle with baby Andrew, made sure she was ok after the operation and headed home to finish packing the apartment.
I felt privileged and on a high the next few days, knowing I had the honor to give an English name to a baby born in Sri Lanka into a Chinese family.
Wouldn’t you feel special too?!