Baby No 15 – Elsie

December 2020

Mummy and daddy No 15, living in the South of the island, met me when I was staying in isolation in the hospital after my negative PCR waiting for another woman to go to labour at the end of October.  They were 28 weeks pregnant and came to find out how I can support them on their journey to parenthood. Within minutes of speaking to me, they said yes to my help.

A high risk pregnancy from the beginning brought the couple even closer and I knew, whatever the outcome will be, they will pull through it. Despite a complicated pregnancy and lots of issues, they were enjoying the pregnancy and preparation for their baby girl, who was supposed to be born at the beginning of 2021. However, as more and more issues were developing, a partial emergency induction of labour was planned for 36 + 3 days, well before Christmas and still in year 2020.

Grandma was allowed to enter Sri Lanka as part of a repatriation scheme and was in quarantine for 2 weeks when the D-Day happened. Again, I had to have a negative PCR test and stayed in hospital overnight. I have lost count how many PCRs and how many hospital staycations I have had so far.

On D-Day the husband  took her to the labour ward and I was supposed to join them when they needed me. I joined them about 10am.  A planned epidural had given her a fright and she had a “funny turn” after sighting it, but Dr sorted it out and it worked really well. It actually worked so well we did not realise baby is about to be born. Dr had to rush to hospital driving on red traffic lights, but all was well.  Tiny baby Elsie, weighing 1.94kg, was born shortly after doctor’s arrival and 4 hours of me being with them.

A 5 day long stay in hospital paid off, the couple were well rested and despite baby having to spend over 24 hours in Baby special care unit, they were discharged with baby putting on weight and successfully mixing feeding (breastfeeding and topping up with artificial milk). They spent a week in a hotel in Colombo, being reunited with their grandmother coming out of quarantine, had a pediatrician check-up making sure all is good before driving down south with a special cargo to spend Christmas as one big family.

What a journey I endured with them, the smallest baby I have held and what a privilege.

A super end to the year 2020 for them, congratulations and Merry Christmas – the best present to unwrap!
