Today’s Presidential Election
Updated after a walk this afternoon.
Sri Lanka goes to the polls today for a presidential election. Thirty-five candidates and a ballot paper two feet long, though with two deeply divisive candidates as the clear front runners. The chance of some sporadic disturbance is high enough to have prompted an SMS alert to every mobile telephone subscriber in the land.
Although there has unfortunately been some violence elsewhere on the island, the greater likelihood of any trouble in the city is after the result is known, this being tomorrow if one candidate gains more than 50% in the first count, or on Monday if second choices also need to be considered. Advice is to stay local and minimise the chance of becoming caught up in any disorder, so that’s what we’re doing; after French homework, a gym workout for myself and a family swim we went for a walk as I needed a hair cut and as always the kitchen cupboards don’t fill themselves.
What we found was total calm and near deserted streets with most folk apparently having left the city or staying at home. Such a strange feeling with no Saturday hustle and bustle, constant blaring or horns and noisy buses. Just silence interrupted by the occasional passing vehicle and the patter of rain on the walk home.