The Sri Lankan tourist board launched the tagline “So Sri Lanka” to capitalise on all that this lovely island has to offer; an inviting and accommodating approach where things are rarely too much trouble; a genuine warmth that goes beyond the agreeable climate; beautiful nature; fabulous holiday retreats; and so much more. As a long time friend of Sri Lanka, I can see why this is a great piece of phraseology.
Sri Lanka also has a charm in so often being “nearly there”, but not quite, despite great drive and ambition. Things can also be downright dangerous and not come within a country mile of the health and safety regulations we are accustomed to. The expat community has therefore taken to “So Sri Lanka” (or simply, a resigned “SSL”, usually followed by a smiley) to describe the moments when this happens.
I had two such moments today, triggered when our fibre internet connection failed for the umpteenth time in a couple of months, vs our British Telecom connection working for year after year at full performance with metronomic reliability; not only is the technical implementation of this tremendously fast connection “nearly there” but agonisingly not quite, but so it seems is the help desk!
When I receive my service, I know it will be attentive, sincere, with an apology, a smile and a resolved problem – but I also know there will be a next time!