9th October, 2021
The Prana Lounge is an oasis of peace devoted to health and wellbeing adjacent to busy Horton Place. As well as a wide variety of yoga, meditation and fitness classes it hosts Seed Café; as the name implies, with seeds figuring highly in the menu. The café has big open windows and a large door which together with the high ceiling and the decor creates a calming atmosphere; almost al fresco but without the searing heat despite no air conditioning.
Rennie took me there for Saturday breakfast, the kids resting at home after their tiring week of exams. As well as meeting up with two of my brothers from other mothers Pavel and Rajeev, we bumped in to a wide range of friends from different walks of our lives. It was lovely – and a real treat after so many months without such opportunity.
I chose the Seed of Life Big Breakfast, a full breakfast with toasted sourdough, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce, three grilled chicken artisan sausages, avocado and onion salsa, lightly spiced sautéed tomato, mixed greens and beans, sautéed Shiitake mushroom, roasted small potatoes and a liberal sprinkling of seeds.
A m a z i n g! So, so tasty and with the eggs cooked to absolute perfection. Accompanied by a mango lassi* and followed with a Brazilian coffee, I was set up for the day. Rennie chose to eat later but enjoyed a lovely Capuccino and the good chinwag that we too enjoyed.
*A lassi is a yoghurt-based drink. To make a mango lassi add a cup of very ripe chopped mango to a cup of plain yoghurt, half a cup of milk, a dash of ground cardamom and up to four teaspoons of honey or sugar. Mine came with some seeds and mild spices sprinkled on the top. Very healthy and refreshing.