Athletic day
Our children are not at all sporty. Not sure why? Despite us encouraging them, they have not found sport they would love and wouldn’t mind getting up at 5am each morning to train!
However, I do suggest, they participate in school sport events. Senior school was having an Athletic day planned on Tuesday 5th November.
I happen to be in the school courtyard when a captain of their house was recruiting for that sport day and Emi has signed up to do triple jump and Misa triple jump and a 200m. Well, I was curious what will happen on the day!
Scorching hot day, they had to be at the stadium at 7.15am sharp, big lunch and a 2 litre bottle of water with them. Emilka sent me video of Misa running 200m, despite coming last, he put the most effort in running we ever seen.
I went to see them at 12.00 and stayed till the end when they finally let them go home at 2.15. I managed to see Misa running relay! Misa running relay? No way? I was proud of him as again, he put lots of effort in to it.
They did not do the triple jump for some reason.
It was well organised event, but boy was everyone sweaty and hot after a day outdoors.
I took two sweaty and grumpy kids home, they had a nice cold shower and chilled for the rest of the afternoon.