A daughter for our maid

Friday 26th August 2022

Apart from interruptions due to curfews arising from the pandemic and political unrest, our maid Syiana has come once a week since October 2019 to help with cleaning the apartment.  Steve jokes that her ironing consists of looking at the laundered item, say a shirt, then the iron, and saying “Hello shirt I’m the iron” before putting it back down without doing anything!  She is none-the-less very grateful for how we look after her even when she cannot come to work, and has repaid us with a loyalty that we know doesn’t always exist.  

When I spoke to her at 10:30 on Friday 26th August I could feel despite her limited English that she was in established labour and would soon be in the delivery room, and sure enough at 12:15 a third daughter was born.  A diddy baby at 2.25Kg, but perfect.  Steve and I went to visit her in the hospital with two bags of goods and groceries and she was delighted to see us. Baby initially had jaundice, so they remained on the ward for 6 days before being discharged.

I also visited her at home as there was some complications, and she kept saying “Big problem, emergency madam!”, but all seemed ok. Her limited English language and my non existent Sinhala prevented me from properly reassuring her and explaining all the physiology that is happening with her body and her baby.  I gave her some presents for baby, some food for her, and left her some money to buy vegetables and fruit.  The home environment was shabby and extremely basic and like all poorer families here in Sri Lanka she and her husband are struggling. The least we can do is to try and help.

I walked about a km towards home, reflecting and reminding myself how lucky I am to have the privileged life that I live.  I am thankful everyday for it. 
