Taxi Uber

Whoever has thought of Uber app is genius!

So far, we have been traveling mostly by tuk tuk (much faster, but you are breathing the fumes!), but sometimes we are using Uber taxi, if Steve is with us as only his mbl phone works here with the app.

You book an Uber taxi and the app shows you exactly where the car is and when he arrives, waits only 3 minutes for you or you pay penalty.

Steve could have had a company car, but when we costed it, it would have been around £1000 per month, which is ridiculous. His work said  they may help us sometime, but we don’t want to abuse the system.

I have not finalised the school travels yet as still considering all our options, so each day of travelling is different.

Most drivers speak some English (even if pigeon English), but you somehow get them to understand where you want to go.

One morning in the first week of kid’s school, Steve got us an Uber taxi. As the taxi arrived earlier and kids were still having their breakfast, Steve went down to the reception to meet him and make sure he knows where he is going. He said: “Come and go sir?”,Yes!”: said Steve, “My wife and the children will go to school and she will come back home alone!” “Ok, come and go sir!” he said.

We came 5 minutes later, sat in the car and before driving off, he asked Steve, where is he supposed to go. He had not a clue! It was infront of him on his mobile phone on his App! Even Misa would navigate the way to school. The guard was trying to help us and explain to the driver where we needed to go, but he still had not a clue! Kids were getting stressed at that point as time was ticking and they didn’t want to be late for school. We left Steve to sort it out and took a tuk tuk to school – they are so reliable, as there is so many of them, all over the city, but the fumes breathing is disgusting. We dream of clean English village air!

Misa asked the doctor who was conducting our health check for our Sri Lanka’s Health card, if there is any risk to our lungs to be exposed to the fumes a lot, and he admitted there is. I guess it is ok to travel by Tuk Tuk when you are here on holiday, but long-term poses risk.

I really need to sort the school travels for kids so they are in the car both ways.