The Chocolate Game

Saturday 10th October 2020

During Emilka’s party we played games. One of them was a “Chocolate game” with a bar of chocolate on a plate. You have to roll 6 on a dice to put a hat, gloves, scarf and a napkin on, and have a chance to sit down and eat the chocolate with a knife and fork before the next person also throws a six and races to remove the mentioned items from you, put them on, and eat the chocolate with the knife and fork!

Have you ever eaten a bar of chocolate with cutlery in a hurry? I can tell you, it is fun – and very noisy! I have been playing this game since 12. The pictures say it all; just look at the headline pictures above with Emi trying to scoff the chocolate before Mirza was ready – and before he was, his sister Lorin was running up to take over!  Hilarious!
