Covid-19 update
Thursday 15th October 2020
On Sunday 11th October at 23.00 an announcement came boomed at high volume out of the loudspeaker system in the corridor outside our apartment. Yes, at 23.00! Thankfully it was repeated several times given that the sound was distorted and the message unclear. On the third time we realised that residents were being asked to remain in their homes. Thinking that it was most likely Burglar Bill or someone else unwanted in the complex, we left the door locked, and waited.
The following morning we learned that it was because of a positive Covid-19 case in the tower; proof if ever we needed it that after so much success at controlling spread, it was now everywhere.
I ventured to the 5th floor for quick shopping and have remained in our apartment ever since. We are doing ok actually, I even baked bread today and will do some carrot muffins to put in the freezer.
The news hit the press of course, and as you can imagine, news with added information to make it more dramatic and not entirely truthful. Everyone is apparently talking about it and are very scared and panicking.
Firstly we were told we would all be tested, and the next day that only random people would be tested. I volunteered to be tested as I want to be seen as taking all the precautions for the women I am supposed to support in labour any day now. I have 4 pregnant women on my books, they are all in their 39th week, three second time mums and one first time mum – they can go into labour anytime, even tonight!
So far we know, that the children of the positive man had tested negative in their first test.
They didn\’t permit to any outsiders to come to the condominium for 3 days, but now it is business as usual apart from the pool and other common areas remaining closed until 14 days has passed without any other positive cases.
72 people have been tested (how chosen, we don\’t known), and depending on the test results tomorrow, more action will be taken.
I am in conversation with the maternity hospital director and he is willing to test me for free. He would put me into hospital accommodation to wait 24 hours for results, and if negative, I would be allowed to remain at the hospital for as long as it takes for my ladies to go in to labour and be admitted. It could be a week or more. I always stand behind Steve and his work and now my family is standing behind me and this situation. Emi would be in charge of the kitchen and Steve would be both a busy businessman and single parent!
I have a huge dilemma on my hand what to do?
I think I may just wait and see how the situation pans out so I am not making any premature decisions.