I am sure you have experienced it too. You are looking for a particular container in your kitchen, and when you triumphantly find it and open it, to your horror you realise it is infested through and through with weevils!
How I hate them! This is not the first time I have had to sadly throw away the entire contents of a container (no matter how much it has cost in an expensive shop of imported goods from England) to get rid of those monsters. I was wandering why I kept killing them one by one in my kitchen, knowing all is safely stored in airtight containers or with a screw lid on. Unfortunately, these tiny creatures can crawl everywhere, even under a vacuum lid.
After I threw our favorite Weetabix away, I hoped not to have any more in the kitchen! But for how long?
Yesterday I found another, unopened bag of cereals, perforated on several places. I said to Emi: “Do you want to risk it if I pick them out? ”
“Yes mum, I have a good immune system!”, she said.
With the cereal being so precious I started picking them out one by one – including the dead ones – but after about 10 minutes I threw it all in the bin and said, “Emi, it’s not worth it; who knows what they have left behind! ”
Such a same, but I’m learning from my mistakes. A “delicacy” to deal with time to time.
If we had a house, I would be writing many more unpleasant posts what different creatures people face daily, but thankfully being high up in a tower means we don’t have many of them.