Summer holiday – Coconut plantation


Whilst staying at the Sunrise we walked across the road to take a guided tour of the coconut plantation.  Normally open for visitors, instead it was opened up personally for us following a call from the hotel reception.  4,000 trees, each yielding an average of 50 coconuts per annum and all harvested and processed by hand – plus a couple of bovine friends at the coconut oil press.  Nothing is wasted, the fibre being used for rope and ornamental purposes and the husks for barbecue charcoal.  The saplings with rootballs in polythene bags are nine months old; the trees grow quickly.

I don’t think the circuit breaker installation would pass a health and safety check; spot the live rail within a finger’s reach! 

It was a hot and sticky tour under a scorching sun, but well worth it – and with delicious fresh dragon fruit to enjoy at the end.  
