We have chosen this apartment complex for its location and convenience for Steve’s work, being in the centre and having the choice of all the facilities it has to offer. We are lucky to have a small shop on 5th floor, there is also a launderette which I haven’t not used yet.
Emilka wanted a sandwich from fresh bread (all our bread is in the freezer), so I sent her to get one to 5th floor. As I was preparing the sandwiches and put 8 slices on the chopping board, a moving thing has caught my eyes. ANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Small brown ants, hundreds of them all over the bread, all over the chopping board and kitchen surface. I quickly scooped it back into the plastic bag and called Emilka to return it to the shop immediately. Misa calling: “I will not be eating sandwich with ants!” What do I do with the crawling ants all over my kitchen surface? They will go everywhere! In my cleaning corner I saw a spray can of insect killer, so I grabbed it and without reading it I started to spray! They were dead instantly. I just wiped it with a tissue and soapy water. First emergency over! I read the instruction on the spray can afterwards: shake well, cover your mouth and eyes, hold your breath …….none of that has been followed! On reflection, I will read the label next time.
Ants, cockroaches and mosquitos are present in Sri Lanka everywhere, but mostly in houses on lower floors, so we should be safe in 17th floor. Another advantage of living in the higher floors of an apartment. Every Thursday afternoon, the swimming pool complex, the car parks and the open floor areas are being “fogged”. (The aim of the mosquito fogging is to kill, or ‘knock-down’, any adult dengue mosquitoes that may be carrying the dengue virus. The mosquitoes become infected with the virus after biting and taking blood from someone who is sick with dengue. involves using a fine pesticide spray (aerosol) which is directed by a blower). We have got insect repellent with us, but will be using it in the evenings when going for trips to higher places or where there is standing water.
Every time I am preparing sandwich for Misa he shouts: “I don’t want ants in my sandwiches!”