Baby No 2



In October 2019 I was contacted by a 32 weeks pregnant English woman with her first baby who was looking for a Dula.  She had been under the consultant (in Sri Lanka, every pregnant woman is under the guidance of a gynecologist, as in the Czech Republic and with private healthcare mostly it is covered by their employee insurance), and was looking for some midwifery care.  On our first meeting, we just talked about my supporting role to her and to her husband, that I will give her 1:1 parentcraft classes and try to support her in her pregnancy journey to empower her to believe in normal natural birth.

Here in Sri Lanka, births are planned and are expected to happen by 41 weeks. In the UK, waiting until 41 + 6 weeks is acceptable with uncomplicated pregnancies. She went overdue and we talked a lot about believing in her own baby and her body. Several times I did a clary sage feet massage, I calmed her worried mind and believe it or not, it worked! She trusted her body and went into spontaneous labour at 6 am on the day of the planned induction at 41 + 6 weeks.

All day she managed at home with her husband\’s support.  We met in hospital at 6pm and at 2am on 24th January a healthy baby girl Sophie was born. I was with her and her husband all night; she was amazing.  I have to admit, I had forgotten about a woman\’s determination and strength since I have not been working for over 6 months now.  I visited them on the postnatal word before they were discharged home and again with the kids, I visited her at home when Sophie was a month old. They are enjoying parenthood and baby is growing well.

Now, with the outbreak of coronavirus, life is very uncertain, but I know, when it is safe, we will go and see the family again and the kids to see the dog Seberus – a Belician Malinois Dog, who is been apparently great around the new baby.

In the meantime, I am trying to support women I made acquaintances with using technology; WhatsApp or phone calls and hoping to get a curfew pass to be present at other births.
