A story of acceptance
Tuesday 24.3 2020
A funny story of acceptance:
I was making cheese sauce for our pasta dinner tonight.
I knew I had ants in the bag of cornflour I was going to use, but I didn’t dare throw it into the bin as it is especially precious at the moment. They are invisible in the packet.
R:”Miso, how many ants can you see in the cornflour packet?”
M:”Can’t see anything, Mummy!”
I poured the cornflour into the milk and about 50 tiny ants appeared on the surface.
M:”Look at the buggers, Mummy!”
I am stirring the milk to dissolve the cornflour for a while and Misa says:”Mummy, will you try to retrieve them or will you just leave them there for a bit of protein?”
I just smiled and did retrieve them with a small sieve, don’t worry. We still had a vegetarian dish for dinner tonight!
My friend has got a much better story:
“I had broccoli today with caterpillars in it ….we have two pets now! My 8 years old girl is so happy!”
At least we have our humour in these difficult and uncertain times.