Journey’s End
Some things I forgot to write previously; the proud owner-driver of our pimped Toyota KDH minivan was calm and infrequent-of-the-horn so relaxing to have at the wheel for so many hours. He also kept his vehicle spotlessly clean inside and out throughout the entire trip; clean foot mats every morning and Rennie spotted him washing the vehicle overnight on one occasion. He was also called Santa – on a Christmas trip! 🙂
Because of the forecast flooding he asked his good friend Selwa (“Silva”) to accompany him in case of issue. As it turned out, we didn’t even have rain never mind flooding but Selwa was great. A lovely man of mild manner and speaking much better English than Santa, he was like a father to Rennie and me and a grandfather to the children; each time we got in the van he’d check we had everything with us and all round he worked hard to ensure we had a trip that was memorable for the right reasons. In fact, the trip wouldn’t have been the same without him, and asking this double act to drive and take care of us next time will be our first port of call.
Santa is left of the above image and Selwa next to me.