Preparation for Christmas Bazar

On Sunday 24th November will be one of the biggest annual charity events in Colombo, the International Charity Christmas Market that you can read about, here.

From 12:00-16:00 at the seaside Galle Face hotel, different stalls from 22 different countries will be offering anything you can think of connected with Christmas, all to raise money for local charities. 

The International Expatriate Association will have a stall too, and we have been asked to donate things and bake cookies, which are very popular selling items. Within minutes of offering to bake some cookies, via a WhatsApp group I was asked to coordinate the “cookie group”!

So, I have been baking and sweltering in the kitchen, and spending hours decorating them. I had a dummy run already to see how hard it will be for me making Czech traditional Christmas cookies (cukrovi, pronounced tsookrovi) in a hot kitchen.  As expected, it is not easy, especially as I am working with butter-based dough for nearly all of them.

All is nicely wrapped and packed ready.  The “wrapping group” worked really hard trying to use recyclable wrapping for the stall to look amazing. I wasn’t part of this group, as I was busy cookie baking!  I hope we will have a fab time with Emi behind the stall, and sell as much as we can. All proceeds will go to chosen local charities. 
