One Galle Face

Having found our intended dinner destination to be closed yesterday evening, we continued to One Galle Face, the brand new upmarket shopping, leisure and dining centre connected to the Shangri-La hotel.  On opening a few days ago the queues were monumental, but on election day evening there was hardly anyone around.

We headed straight to the food court where Rennie had Turkish fayre, the children had fast food, and I ordered “The hottest mutton curry with garlic naan bread that you sell, please” from the Dindigul Thalappakatti Restaurant outlet.  I love properly spicy food but Rennie shook her head as I hiccuped on the first swallow and had a sweaty brow 30 seconds later!  I have to say though that despite being a genuine 11/10 on my spiciness scale, it was deliciously tasty and the fresh garlic naan bread the perfect accompaniment.

Afterwards, we mosied around all the floors getting the layout and seeing what’s there without hordes of other shoppers. 
