Park Runs

19th Novermber 2023, for Saturdays 5th, 12th,and 19th August

Yes, I am running!  I hate running, but I am running!  Why? Training for the October triathlon I registered-for as promised to myself long ago to celebrate my half century birthday.

My first-ever Parkrun was an overwhelming experience for me, alone, in 10C cold and rain with so many people, in an unfamiliar environment. I nearly gave up after the second lap.  However, I am not the one who gives up easily so I kept running and I did it. I was pleased I completed it, but was unable to function about 3 hours afterwards for some reason and took it slowly for the rest of the day.

My second run was much easier in 16C and a slight wind. I felt I did better and even though my timing was only 3 seconds faster, I felt at ease this time. I was able to function this time and even took  the bus back home.

My third run was the easiest so far as I knew what to expect, the sun was shining and I had Emi with me. I bettered myself with 25 seconds and it felt good. 

I will keep running the Park Run as many times as I can, and see if I am running faster and developing my stamina.  

Wish me luck.
